October 12, 2005

Business support for ID cards collapses

The register is still following the ID cards issue, showing how as the details become clearer support for ID Cards falls away. This time amongst the business community.
Two years ago 73 per cent of company directors were in favour of ID cards but that figure has now fallen sharply despite the London bombings.

Only 45 per cent of company directors now believe the introduction of ID cards would make British cities safer from terrorist attack and just 26 per cent think they would benefit their business.
So far the government has spent £20m on it's ID card obsession, £20 million on a scheme that benefits nobody but the authoritarians in Whitehall.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a company director and no one has asked me what I think. So for the record "they sound like a bloody silly waste of time, cash and effort"

12:34 pm  

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